
Posts Tagged ‘ac weekly’

Meet AC Rockstar Think Big

In Interviews on November 30, 2009 at 10:00 am

He’s a passionate entrepreneur that enjoys writing and designing websites, and has been publishing on AC since June 2007.

Think Big, otherwise known as Billy Belcher, has been writing on a wide range of topics in the Business, Finance and Web Design categories, and shares some information on why he’s stuck with AC for so long, and what his goals are for 2010.

Read on to learn more about this AC Rockstar…

SK: How long did it take you to become an AC addict?

BB: About a week after I earned my first upfront payment from AC.

SK: Why have you stuck with AC for so long?

BB: The potential of AC in helping people earn money and express their thoughts, ideas, suggestions, etc…

SK: Out of all of the topics you write about, how do you decide which ones to develop or focus on in any given month?

BB: Sometimes personally, I just brainstorm past experiences, events, places I’ve been to write about as well as Google trends to find some hot topics on Internet.

SK: If you could start your AC writing career over again, what is the one thing you would do differently?

BB: Write more articles. When I first started on AC I wrote around 30 articles and then didn’t write for about a year and then I came back to write more consistent for AC.

SK: Do you use any social media tools to promote your content? If so, which ones? Read the rest of this entry »

Who in the World is Patrick Keane?

In AC News, Interviews on May 21, 2009 at 3:26 pm

Patrick_KeaneIf you’ve been keeping up with AC’s transitions lately, you already know there’s a new leader in town. Patrick Keane was named Chief Executive Officer of Associated Content in March 2009, and we’re already seeing big changes from AC offices in New York City and Denver.

Before making it over to AC territory, our new CEO worked with the team at CBS Interactive and Google, Inc. He was also the founder and programmer of Google’s Zeitgeist.

What can Associated Content’s Sources expect in the near future? I caught up with Patrick Keane to find out what his vision for AC is, how contributors can be successful with AC, and most importantly, what types of articles he’s reading when he’s not in a board meeting, traveling, and keeping AC in order:

SK: What inspired or prompted you to join the team at AC?
PK: I was initially impressed by Luke Beatty’s founding vision for Associated Content: enabling anyone to publish and be compensated for creating useful content on the Web. The final decision was motivated by the potential I recognized in AC’s talented team, excellent board of directors, impassioned community of contributors and unprecedented market opportunity.

SK: Where are you from?
PK: Wynnewood, PA – a small town a few miles west of Philadelphia.

SK: Your favorite form of caffeine?
PK: ITO EN Earl Grey Tea

SK: Your favorite motivational/inspirational quote?
PK: “Innovation can come from anywhere.”

SK: Your top three favorite categories to browse on AC are:
-Food & Wine
-Local (New York City and all the places I travel)

SK: What do you feel are AC’s core values? (via Pam Gaulin) Read the rest of this entry »

Who in the World is K. Karl?

In Interviews on April 3, 2009 at 8:30 pm

k-karlThis full time mom of two young boys is always on the move, and works as a surgical nurse on the weekends.  When she’s not busy working, Kim Karl is drumming up some interesting articles on Associated Content.  She says her mind is always reeling with ideas and stories, so writing is her perfect outlet.  Kim’s currently working on a novel for young adults, but is still a regular contributor on AC.

I caught up with Kim recently to find out what she’s reading, enjoying, and how she gets her caffeine fix to keep up with her busy lifestyle:

SK: How did you get started with writing for AC?
KK: I participate on a money forum. One of the other participants mentioned that you can make a little extra money writing for AC and other online websites. I thought that writing would be fun, signed up, and here we are.

SK: Your favorite content category to browse at work:
KK: I can’t really browse anything at work, but I catch up quite a bit at home. I love Home Improvement, Parenting, and Business and Finance. Of course, my favorite category is Health and Wellness.

SK:  Do you write for other online sites or publications or only on AC?

KK: The wet noodle beatings from Angie finally sank in. I have started to put some non-exclusive articles up at Constant Content but I’ve only sold two for usage rights so far. I’m perfectly happy just writing for AC for right now.

SK: Your most popular/most commented/newsworthy article?
KK: I haven’t done many News articles because I really lack the experience needed for that. My most popular article is iCarly and the Pak-Rat Video Game. It was a Display Only that I put up to test the Google Trends waters. I’ve had many anonymous comments from kids. I’ve also had to delete many more comments because the kids feel the need to post their personal information, phone numbers, addresses, and email addresses.

SK: Name one website you visit at least once per day:
KK: I visit AC almost every day, except on the weekends. I stop into Webwriters on Ning at least once a day just to see if anyone’s around or to ask advice.

SK:  Three CPs that have inspired you/whose work you enjoy reading regularly:
KK: I started reading your interviews last summer and I would like to say that I agree with all the other AC Weekly interviewees on their picks. This is just my way of sneaking in more than three.
Read the rest of this entry »

Who in the World is Cathy Montville?

In Interviews on March 20, 2009 at 8:00 am

ac-new-bio-176While she takes her writing and entreprenurial endeavors very, very seriously, this AC writer isn’t shy about kicking back with some beer and poker; especially if she’s winning her husband’s money.

A self-proclaimed ghost hunter and haunted house enthusiast, Cathy Montville is working her way around the web to share articles about holidays, travel, ghosts, spirituality, relationships and more. She’s also one of the newest Category Editors on AC.

I grabbed a spot at the poker table to catch this busy writer in action, and to ask her a few questions about life on AC territory:

SK: How did you get started with writing for AC?
CAM: AC was actually where I went to read while I was at work. After a month of discovering some fabulous writers, I decided to try my hand at writing after several years on hiatus.

SK: Your favorite content category to browse at work:
CAM: I love the Lifestyle section and especially the sub categories, but I also adore History, Holidays and Prose.

SK: Do you write for other online sites or publications or only on AC?
CAM: I write at Helium to keep my writing stars up, but AC is my main outlet.

SK: Your most popular/most commented/newsworthy article?
Read the rest of this entry »

Inauguration Week Must Reads – AC Roundup

In Weekly Roundup on January 19, 2009 at 2:00 pm

Couldn’t catch the plane or train ride to Washington this week?

Fret not; CPs around the country are drumming up a storm of articles with tips, insights and breaking news about the events.

Here are a few must-reads to help you keep up with the 2009 Inauguration events:

Watch Barack Obama Inauguration Online by Mary Zeiher

Inauguration Events Schedule 2009, Updates and Must-See TV by Donna Porter

Inauguration Day 2009 Schedule Information and Expectations by Elizabeth Eng

Traditions of the United States Presidential Inauguration by jason spraggins.

Locations of Barack’s Obama Live Inauguration Broadcast in New York City by Jesse Schmitt

Best Ways to Find a Place to Stay in Washington for Obama Inauguration by Memphis Vaughn

President’s Inauguration in 2009 Might Set a New Standard by Norm Schneider

What is All the Barack Obama Memorabilia Worth? by Lovn Da Write Life