
Posts Tagged ‘web’

Who in the World Is marindavid?

In Interviews on December 30, 2007 at 10:00 am

marindavidWhen he’s not helping families work through problems as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW), David Reinstein (a.k.a. marindavid) contributes to the AC community with a wealth of topics and ideas. You might have caught some of his Haiku poetry on AC, but marindavid also writes on mental health topics and ‘how to’ articles–the ones you know you really need. He’s committed to quality over quantity, and refuses to compromise his writing to please the eyes of the Google masters.

I managed to schedule a quick Q&A session (no couch needed) with this talented writer so we can all learn who in the world marindavid really is:

S: How did you get started with writing for AC?

M: I have been a writer of short fiction and poetry for many years and began back in 2003 writing product reviews for Epinions. I was frustrated in that 1) a person can only review items in their database – and adding a new product or brand to it is often near impossible, and 2) Writing product reviews is only satisfying to me in a limited way. Although I could publish non-review articles in their “Writer’s Corner’, no income is ever generated from such pieces. Then, a fellow Epinions ex patriot told me about AC – a site where I could write about whatever I chose, be paid ‘upfront’ for some of it and for aggregate hits on all of it. I decided to give it a try. Submitting my first piece to AC in mid-May of 2007, I have now posted nearly 350 pieces and write at the rate of 1-2 a day. It is an avocation/hobby. I have a day job

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