
Archive for March, 2010|Monthly archive page

Meet AC Rockstar Sherry Wight

In Interviews on March 4, 2010 at 2:15 am

She’s the lucky Contributor who published the two-millionth piece of content on AC this week, and also hit the Hot 100 list this month with her lineup of engaging and informative content about the 2010 Winter Olympics and entertainment. Sherry Wight is one of AC’s Featured Arts and Entertainment Contributors and has been publishing here for almost three years.

I caught up with this busy mom and self-confessed Dancing with the Stars junkie to find out what her writing goals are for 2010, who she’s reading, and how she’s making most of her experience writing with Associated Content:

SK: How long did it take you to become an AC addict?

SW: Good question!  Though I shy away from calling myself an addict per se, I started spending more and more time on AC after daily pageview stat updates were implemented.  I thrive on seeing how my content does on a day-to-day basis, so those updates are like chocolate: Addictive and delicious.

SK: Why have you stuck with AC for so long?

SW: I’m a busy, often harried mom to three children, ages 5, 3 and 1, so time is of the essence.  When I first stumbled across AC back in July of 2007, I was skeptical.  I submitted a single article to dip my toes in the water and see how it would go, and then slowly added a few more pieces until I got a good feel for how it worked.  (Of course, I was happy to see that I’d actually get paid as advertised as well.)  I’m still here because it does work, it’s easy, I’ve seen my readership and pageview numbers increase, and I really enjoy writing.

SK: Out of all of the topics you write about, how do you decide which ones to develop or focus on in any given month?

SW: I’m a Dancing with the Stars junkie, so my recaps and reviews are a given.  I write them as I watch the shows, and then publish almost immediately.  I keep an eye on Google Trends to see what’s hot, and will occasionally crank out an article based on a hot GT keyword, but my priority is writing about things that are genuinely of interest to me.

SK: If you could start your AC writing career over again, what is the one thing you would do differently? Read the rest of this entry »