
Who in the World is Melissa Raineri?

In Interviews on June 23, 2009 at 9:00 am

acShe’s a full-time mother in California who enjoys writing about parenting, fashion, books and health topics on Associated Content. Melissa Raineri has been publishing content on AC since November 2008, and admits that she’s been ‘hooked’ since day one.

When she’s not playing with her toddler, she’s reading up on the latest fashion, wedding and style trends for her future articles. I caught up with this busy mom to find out who in the world Melissa Raineri really is:

SK: How did you get started with writing for AC?
MR: As a stay-at-home mom, I have a lot of free time in my hands so I decided to take advantage of this by doing something productive. I discovered AC thanks to Google and since I love writing and I love earning money, I signed up right away. That was November 2008 and I’ve been hooked since.

SK: What inspired you to join?
MR: Writing has always been my outlet. I always feel a sense of accomplishment every time I’ve put my thoughts into words and organized it into an article. So, doing that regularly serves as some kind of therapy for me. Plus, the money incentive has a little something to do with it.

SK: Your favorite content category to browse at work is:
MR: I don’t work right now so I’m free to browse through entertainment anytime. I always want to be in the know when it comes to the latest celebrity news. I know, it sounds a bit shallow but we’ve all been there.

SK: Do you write for other online sites or publications, or only on AC?

MR: Right now, I only write for AC. I tried looking at other writing sites like eHow and Helium but I felt out of place. On the other hand, AC feels like home. I want to keep building my writing portfolio here and maybe join other sites when I’ve fully developed my writing skills.

SK: Your most popular/most commented/newsworthy article?
MR: As of the moment, my article Romantic Comedies/Chick Flicks of 2009 has generated the most views and has been steadily growing every month. I guess a lot of females plus a few guys are in the mood for light rom-coms these days. I have yet to write an article that can be considered newsworthy and one that will receive a bunch of comments.

SK: Name one website you visit at least once per day:
MR: AC is a given so I’d say I follow a few TV shows but I don’t have cable right now so that site is constantly on.

SK: Three Sources that have inspired you/whose work you enjoy reading regularly:

MR: As a fan of the TV show Lost, I enjoy reading Robert Dougherty’s take on Lost every week, as well as his movie news and reviews. I find his style of writing very informative and stimulating. As for the sources who inspire me, my picks are Pam Gaulin and Kristie Leong M.D. They started way back and they never get tired churning out articles that are very much valuable and beneficial to a lot of people. Which explains their popularity and soaring page views.

SK: Your favorite form of caffeine?
MR: Chocolate is what does it for me. I don’t drink coffee and I try to avoid soda.

SK: A favorite hobby when you’re not writing for AC?

MR: Anything that has to do with spending time with my toddler. From making bubbles to reading to him, I always have the best time. He grows up so fast so I want to enjoy every minute of his childhood.

SK: Your favorite article topics to write about are…
MR: I have a fascination for clothes and weddings so if an assignment related to these comes up, I claim it right away, even if it means I have to do some research. It helps expand my knowledge on these topics and I always have fun writing about the latest trends and such. Another favorite topic is movies. I’m kind of a movie buff. Lastly, I look forward to writing about local features. It’s one way of getting to know my town better.

SK: One pearl of wisdom for any AC Source?
MR: Write on subjects that you can relate to and you’ll never struggle with finding the right words. It will just flow out of you naturally and before you know it, you have a long and coherent article that you can be proud of. If the article turns out to be a big hit, then that’s a bonus.

SK: Your favorite quote about writing or otherwise?
MR: Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. – Cyril Connolly

  1. Very nice to read about her. I’ll have to check out some of her articles.

  2. Love the ending quote.

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